Your stomach is your temple


magine that every person who is connected to you walked with their baggage through your stomach and get attached to it. Our stomach stored all our relationships since we were in our mother’s belly, therefore, it guides us, supports us, giving us a sense of belonging and safety. Our stomach is connected to our roots and our heart, it’s responsible for our energy level, spiritual strength, self-confidence, trust and balance with our environment.

Harmony starts with our needs being met.

After an emotional trauma, we may experience a separation from our identity, a difficulty to process, digest and release toxic events. We may start questioning our self-worth, feeling unrooted, stuck and losing our appetite.

Every time you feel unbalanced ask yourself:

What needs am I not fulfilling for myself?

Self Belly Massage Exercise:

Imagine to enter your stomach and sit at its centre like in a temple and be surrounded by a golden ball of light. Take three deep breathes, put your right hand on your belly and start massaging gently, making circles in a clockwise direction.

Repeat to yourself:

it’s safe for me to feel loved.



4 Elements Daily Ritual Diet

    • Water: hydrate, flow and adapt, clear and heal emotions from toxic places, people and memories.
    • Earth: ground yourself, feel safe, belong, focus on your priorities.
    • Air: breath, contemplate, get inspired, release, let go, listen to your intuition.
    • Fire: motivate yourself and others, feed your passions, connect to your life force, empower.

Today’s Recipe


Salmon with almond milk and fresh parsley, kiwi and avocado.

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