VANDANA SHIVA: Listening to the seeds for a future of peace


PHOTO: Dr. Vandana Shiva

Article featured in Creative Sacred Living Magazine August 2014 (p. 54-57)

– Have you ever thought what seeds would say in 2014 if they could talk to human beings?

“You did everything possible to bury me but you forgot that I am a seed”, said the greek poet Dinos Christianopoulos.

When we were children teachers taught us at school that to make a table we need wood, to make wood we need trees, to make trees we need seeds but nobody explained to us how to protect seeds from extinction. In the last one hundred years 94% of seeds varieties have been lost. Shamans, known as the Earthkeepers, say that we are dreaming the world into being through the act of witnessing it. Nowadays, there are debates about the ownership of the resources of the planet, such as water and seeds.

Dr. Vandana Shiva (Physicist/Environmental activist – Right Livelihood Award) since she has started her campaign for “Seed Freedom” has been a constant, dedicated, inspired and strong voice about food rights and the impact of globalisation.

She is raising environmental awareness around the world and empowering women through the movement “Diverse women for diversity” focused on biodiversity, food and water. Her call is a sensible response to Punjab Violence and the Bhopal tragedy occurred in 1984. Dr. Vandana has founded in New Delhi the organization Navdanya which means “nine seeds” and aims to the preservation of the variety of seeds in Agriculture in order to protect biodiversity, organic resources and small farmers.

“There is no Democracy without Food Democracy.”

“Control over seed means control of our lives, our food and our freedom.”

“Seeds controlled by Monsanto, agribusiness trade controlled by Cargill, processing controlled by Pepsi and Philip Morris, retail controlled by Walmart is a recipe for food dictatorship.”

These are some of the meaningful and wise statements by Dr. Vandana Shiva who denounces  the current situation on the market of seeds. Navdanya has built a community seed bank which has so far successfully conserved more than 5000 crop varieties and has also set up Bija Vidyapeeth (School of the Seed / Earth UniversityNavdanya).

prince charles visits vandana shiva2PHOTO:

On  the 7th of November, 2013 Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, Visited Navdanya’s Biodiversity Conservation Farm & Earth University. We hope that other Political Leaders will follow his example to build a future of peace based on Food sovereignty, Sustainable agriculture and Seeds Freedom.

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”

(Robert Louis Stevenson)

If you would like to know more, please visit the OFFICIAL WEBSITE 






Roll your tea

leaf tea

PHOTO: Leigh Farrel

Last year at the Christmas Market in Bristol Harbourside (UK) I’ve bought this 50g pouch of Chai Tea, as a present for a few friends, which comes with empty tea bag ‘papers’, to roll your own.  Chai Tea is generally made up of black tea leaves and a combination of various indian herbs and spices.


The most common are: cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, cloves and pepper. Indian Chai produces a delicate and relaxing effect of well being, its fine and rich scent cradles our senses towards distant places, by stimulating our imagination in the intimacy of our home. It is also recommended as a valid natural digestive aid.

Happy Chai Tea!

The Tintern Old Rectory: A Nest of Fine Beauty…



pon your arrival you will be greeted with a delicate touch and the fine attention to detail to which The Tintern Old Rectory is characterised. This enchanting B&B is a cosy nest embraced by the Wye Valley (Wales, UK) and is adorned by the warm kindness of the hosts, Ian and Anika Mothersdale.

The Old Rectory resembles a secret garden in Art Nouveau style, in which the senses, caressed by a symphony of colours and scents, find the same grace of the echo of a flutter of butterflies.


The bedroom is like a magic box full of surprises to be discovered, and the walls appear like the pages of a storybook, with fairy tales waiting to be told. Through the window your eyes will meet the picturesque landscape, the view seems to have been painted for the pleasure and joy of the soul which is immediately permeated by the beauty and poetry, that is reflecting in the river.


In the morning a delightful breakfast awaits you, with a wide selection of homemade dishes that will tickle your taste buds and ignite your imagination, whilst simultaneously being lulled by the charming musical melodies wafting in the air.


Beauty is truth, truth is beauty.”
–  J. Keats

Cristina Russo

My Body My Rights



Article written for

“Being able to make our own decisions about our health, body and sex life is a fundamental human right. All over the world many of us are persecuted for making these choices – or are prevented from doing them.”

Says the new campaign by Amnesty International “My body My Rights.”

Artist Hikaru Cho, young college student in Tokyo, supports this human rights campaign with her provocative works of art .

These painted stories are told on the body, through the fine art of body painting, which becomes a metamorphosis, to claim the right of each of us to own our own flesh, reclaiming our mutant identity.

“You have the right to choose who you love and what kind of family you want and to live free from sexual violence and rape. I hope that my art can help young people to start a conversation about these rights”,  said Cho.


One of the titles of  these works of art reminds us of an important reflection on the theme: “Look the right through yourself.”

Amnesty International OFFICIAL WEBSITE


Articolo scritto per

“My body My Rights”: diritti umani dipinti sul corpo


Così recita la nuova campagna di Amnesty international My body My Rights (Il mio corpo i miei diritti):

“Essere in grado di prendere le nostre decisioni sulla nostra salute, sul corpo e sulla vita sessuale è un diritto umano fondamentale. Eppure, in tutto il mondo, molti di noi sono perseguitati per fare queste scelte – o viene impedito loro di farle.”

A sostegno della campagna le opere provocatorie dell’artista Hikaru Cho, giovane studentessa di Tokio. In questi scatti vengono raccontano storie dipinte sul corpo, attraverso l’arte raffinata del body painting che diventa mutamento, per rivendicare il diritto di ciascuno di noi sulla propria carne di riappropriarci della nostra identità mutante.

“Avete il diritto di scegliere chi amate e che tipo di famiglia si desidera e di vivere liberi da stupro e violenza sessuale. Spero che la mia arte possa aiutare i giovani a iniziare una conversazione su tali diritti”, ha detto Cho.


Uno dei titoli ci richiama ad una importante riflessione sul tema: ”Guarda il diritto attraverso di te.”

SITO UFFICIALE di Amnesty International

Sirga’s hug, the lioness who inspires unconditional love


Image © Daily Mail


Article written for

Lions give hugs, as it has shown to us, on the photo shoot by Nicolai Frederik Bonnin Rossen, in the Daily Mail. The protagonist of this story is Sirga, a lioness, originally from Botswana, which has expressed with gestures of affection, typical of a human being, its gratitude to the volunteers who have rescued the wild feline. The world appears without words, after reading this moving wild life adventure.

As we can see from the photograph that we propose above, Sirga now considers his rescuers as members of its family, giving us a touching proof of humanity. Again, from wild nature we learn a lesson of unconditional love for life, surprising us with its truth and beauty.

“A herd had three puppies and two of them were killed before Sirga was abandoned without food.  We didn’t want Sirga to become like the other lions in captivity, fed by streams of tourists. We wanted to leave it to nature .”

Said Valentin and Mikkel Legarth Gruener, founders of Modisa Wildlife Project, which aims to protect wildlife areas of Botswana where Sirga comes from.



Articolo scritto per

WILD LIFE: L’abbraccio di Sirga, la leonessa che ha commosso il mondo.


Image © Daily Mail

Anche i leoni abbracciano, lo testimonia il servizio fotografico di Nicolai Frederik Bonnin Rossen sul Daily Mail. La protagonista e’ Sirga, leonessa originaria del Botswana, la quale ha espresso, con gesti d’affetto tipici di un essere umano, la sua gratitudine ai volontari che l’hanno salvata, lasciando il mondo senza parole.

Come possiamo ammirare dagli scatti fotografici che vi proponiamo di seguito, Sirga considera ora i suoi salvatori come suoi simili, dandoci una prova commovente di civilta’. Ancora una volta e’ dalla natura selvaggia che arriva una lezione d’amore incondizionato per la vita, sorprendendoci con la sua verita’ e bellezza.

“Un branco aveva tre cuccioli e due vennero uccisi prima che Sirga fosse abbandonata senza cibo. Non volevamo che Sirga diventasse come gli altri leoni in cattivita’, nutriti da frotte di turisti. Volevamo lasciarla alla natura”

Cosi’ raccontano Valentin Gruener e Mikkel Legarth, fondatori del Modisa Wildlife Project, un progetto per la salvaguardia della fauna selvatica nelle zone del Botswana da cui proviene Sirga.

Se volete saperne di più sul “Progetto Wildlife Modisa”, visitate il loro SITO UFFICIALE

Cristina Russo